Herd Bulls

OCC_Legend_916sOCC Legend 916S.

He was purchased from Ohlde Cattle Company in 2007.  He is a Legend son out of a PAPA Durabull daughter.  His Registration number is:  15652100, give him a look up.  We really like his epds.  We think that he is right where we want to be, number wise, but more importantly, we like the way he looks, the way he moves, his disposition and the vigor and liveliness of his calves.  A bunch of the older cows are his daughters…




Main herd bull OCC Witness 831W reg. # 17014998

Main herd bull OCC Witness 831W reg. # 17014998

A Witness bull calf

A Witness bull calf

A Witness bull calf







Intensely linebred calving ease bull from Ohldes. He goes back to the 1019 cow 8 times.  We will be using him on all of our heifers for a year or two. His first calves were born this spring.   Pictured as a three year old.
His registration # is 16629574. Many cows are his daughters..




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